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"Reduction of wear on guiding components in hot strip mill - ReduWearGuid" e "Dissemination and valorisation of RFCS-results in the field of Advanced Automation and Control Solutions in Downstream Steel Processes and development of a strategic vision for future research - ControlInSteel"

  • Position collaborazione coordinata e continuativa
  • Id call 2817
  • Proponent Valentina Colla
  • State archivio
  • Subject Istituto TeCIP
  • Number of positions 1
  • Lenght 6 months
  • Call notice date 17.11.2020
  • Deadline for application submission 01.12.2020
  • Data pubblicazione graduatoria 02.12.2020 - 09:45
Istituto TeCIP - Avviso per il conferimento di N 1 incarico della durata di 6 mesi per attivita' di supporto alla ricerca nell'ambito dei progetti finanziati dall'Unione Europea tramite il Research Fund for Coal and Steel dal titolo: "Reduction of wear on guiding components in hot strip mill - ReduWearGuid" e "Dissemination and valorisation of RFCS-results in the field of Advanced Automation and Control Solutions in Downstream Steel Processes and development of a strategic vision for future research - ControlInSteel."